Environmental Health Hazard
San Francisco drinking water supplies have been contaminated with HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID (HFSA), a corrosive chemical known to the Department of Public Health to cause brain impairment and worsen health disorders.

Tap water consumption should be restricted by all consumers until more information is learned. If you have a medical condition, it is imperative that you contact the Department of Environmental Health at 415-554-2500 (option 2) without delay to identify safer water options.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on the neurotoxicity of this fluoridation chemical confirms that it is comparable to lead in its ability to lower IQ in children. The NTP report finds a “large body” of evidence that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children.”

The SF Public Health Department is unable to monitor or control exposure to consumers. City residents and regular visitors, especially sensitive subpopulations, should reduce exposure depending on several categories such as age, gender, years of accumulated exposure, ethnicity, physical activity level, and various health conditions. 

National Toxicology Program Report Confirms Fluoride Exposure Harms Children’s IQ

Protect your child's health. If you are pregnant or nursing, reduce or eliminate your exposure to fluoridation chemicals present in San Francisco tap water. 

Court Rules Fluoride "Unreasonable Risk"

The ‘optimal’ water fluoridation level of 0.7 mg/L is nearly double the safe level for pregnant women and their offspring. A federal court ruling in September 2024 orders EPA to strengthen regulations.

SFDPH Director Notified of Duty to Protect 

The August 2024 NTP Report on fluoride's neurotoxicity places a duty on SF''s Department of Public Heath to protect mothers, their children, and other susceptible subpopulations.

NRC Warns Vulnerable Subpopulations 

Fluoride in Drinking Water, a guideline designed to prevent the public from being exposed to harmful levels of fluoride, reviews research on various health effects from exposure to fluoride.

EXPOSURE: Conception to Birth
Cognitive Impairment/Reduced IQ

  • Risks: Reduced intelligence (ability to reason, IQ, problem-solving, short- and long-term memory
  • Responsible: SF Department of Public Health 415-554-2500
  • S​ource of Contamination: SF Public Utilities 415-551-3000

EXPOSURE: Lifetime

  • ​Risks: Toxic skeletal accumulation interfering with bone marrow immunity
  • Responsible: SF Department of Public Health 415-554-2500
  • S​ource of Contamination: SF Public Utilities 415-551-3000

EXPOSURE: Lifetime

  • ​Risk: Elevated TSH concentrations, increased goiter prevalence, and altered T4 and T3 concentrations
  • Responsible: SF Department of Public Health 415-554-2500
  • S​ource of Contamination: SF Public Utilities 415-551-3000

EXPOSURE: Lifetime 
Diabetes/Impaired Metabolism

  • Risk: Impaired glucose metabolism resulting in increased blood glucose and reduced glucose tolerance
  • Responsible: SF Department of Public Health 415-554-2500
  • S​ource of Contamination: SF Public Utilities 415-551-3000

EXPOSURE: Children Ages 0-8 Years
Dental Fluorosis

  • Risk: Hypoplasia, a permanent disfigurement, discoloration of tooth enamel
  • Responsible: SF Department of Public Health 415-554-2500
  • S​ource of Contamination: SF Public Utilities 415-551-3000
Safe Water San Francisco is a project of Clean Water California (501c3)
California Non-Profit Corporation #C3580300; EIN 46-3100464